What People Are Saying
My son has formed new friendships, with other students and the staff. He enjoys playing and learning with his group, and he has progressed academically beyond what we would have been able to achieve at home.
Kate, Club Parent
I LOVE the Boys and Girls Club. They provide a safe, and welcoming environment for my children to grow and learn. They get a chance to learn new things and make friends. It has been a great benefit for me as well as my children.
Samantha, Club Parent
I am so thankful that Boys and Girls Club was recommended to me when my daughter aged out of daycare. It's hard to believe that she's been a Club member for 5 years. It is her home away from home.
Rebekah, Club Parent
I like going to the Club because the staff are nice and I have a lot of friends here. We get to do fun things and learn new stuff. They helped me through rough times when my mom passed away and were very kind to me.
Karson, Age 11, Club Member
Boys and Girls Club is a place where kids can have fun doing hands-on learning, like sculpting with clay, drawing, painting, etc. The staff at Boys and Girls Club want the kids to know that they are there when they need them. And many of the staff there feel like family to me.
Bimini, Age 10, Club Member
I'm so thankful for all you and your staff do for my daughter and all the other kids at the club you all make it a great experience for the kids and parents! Thanks again for all you do.
Araceli Rodriquez, Twin Falls
We just got back from the ski trip and I have to tell you how thoroughly impressed I am with everything. First of all, the staff at Dollar were fabulous. I love how they had everything ready for us and labeled with the kids’ names, jumped in to help them get ready and get helmets and goggles, and then organized them and had plenty of people ready to help with instruction. I know it could just be their job, but they seemed genuinely happy to have the Boys and Girls Club there and were beyond accommodating Secondly, the Boys & Girls Club staff that was there was on top of everything and managed it all beautifully. I come into the Boys and Girls Club every day, and am always treated so wonderfully by Cristina and Jonny, but it was so nice to see the staff actually working with the kids. Your staff talked to the kids with such respect and handled minor situations amazingly. They were fun. It made me thrilled to know that my kids are part of such an amazing club. THANK YOU for such a fun ski day, and for ALWAYS being so great!!
Chelsea Reichel, Twin Falls
P.S. This was my husband’s first experience with BGCMV, and he was just as impressed as I was and said thank you, too!
I just want to thank you again for asking my daughter to be a part of the Back to School Shopping Spree! She was so excited and loved the whole event! She loves everything she got, especially the shoes and jacket. Please tell everyone who helped out, thank you for donating their time! What a wonderful opportunity for all the kids!
April Theodozio, Twin Falls
I just want to say how heartbreaking it is that my summer has gone by so quickly, but the Club has been the best thing that ever happened to me.... It has confirmed my passion to pursue a career to help kids, and it has been an honor to be a part of making a difference. I cherish this club, and everybody who makes it possible, so dearly, and I am so excited to keep it in my life and have something to look forward too!!!!! I am BLESSED BLESSED BLESSED BLESSED!!!!! It’s is my second home!!! I can't wait for even better summers waiting ahead!
Staff Hanna, Twin Falls